BUTACRUSH Active: Butchlor Chemical name: (2-chloro-2’,6,-diethyl-N-(butoxy methyl) acetanilide) NAFDAC REG NO. A5-0116 (Nigeria) General Info: BUTACRUSH contains 600 g/L Butchlor Recommended for: BUTACRUSH 60 EC, may be applied as a pre-emergence and pre-planting selective herbicide. For use in the control of grasses and certain broadleaf weeds if rice plantation, wild rice and transplanted rice. BUTACRUSH may also be used for control of weeds in cowpeas, corn, groundnut, onion and chillies.
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CLEARWEED Active: Glyphosate NAFDAC REG NO. 04-6579 (Nigeria) General info: An aqueous solution containing 480 g/l Isopropylamine salt of Glyphosate (equivalent to 360g/l Glyphosate) and ethoxylated tallow amine. Recommended for: CLEARWEED is a systemic post – emergence herbicide for control of a wide range of weeds in cultivated land e.g. for the killing of pasture prior to crop planting, for weed control around trees, non cropped areas and on industrial sites. CLEARWEED has no residual soil activity and is not taken up by roots.
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CLEARWEED GRANULES Active: Glyphosate NAFDAC REG NO. 04-6579 (Nigeria) General Info: CLEARWEED GRANULES contain 750g/l Glyphosate???? Recommended for: CLEARWEED GRANULES can be applied to control most broad-leaved annual weeds and grasses and is effective in the following crops; cowpea, maize, sorghum, wheat, cotton and fruits and in plantation crops such as cocoa, oil palm, rubber and sugarcane.
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RAZEDOWN Active: Glyphosate NAFDAC REG NO. A5-0315 (Nigeria) General Info: An aqueous solution containing 480 g/l Isopropylamine salt of Glyphosate (equivalent to 360g/l Glyphosate) and ethoxylated tallow amine. Recommended for: RAZEDOWN is a systemic post – emergence herbicide for control of a wide range of weeds in cultivated land e.g. for the killing of pasture prior to crop planting, for weed control around trees, non cropped areas and on industrial sites.
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VESPANIL Active: Propanil NAFDAC REG NO. 04-9735 (Nigeria) General Info: VESPANIL contains 360 g/l Propanil. Recommended for: VESPANIL 36EC is a selective contact herbicide used post-emergence on rice (up to 4 leaf stage) for grass and broard-leaved weed control. VESPANIL 36 EC may be used on dry planted rice, or on muddy or clear-water planted rice. For best results the field should be uniformly level with a well-prepared seedbed free of large lumps of soil.
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VESPANIL PLUS Active: Propanil NAFDAC REG NO. A5-0133 (Nigeria) General Info: VESPANIL contains 360 g/l Propanil + 200g/l 2,4-D
Recommended for: VESPANIL PLUS is a mixture of a selective contact herbicide 2,4-D used post-emergence on rice (up to 4 leaf stage) for grass and broad-leaved weed control. VESPANIL PLUS may be used on fry planted rice For best results the field should be uniformly level with a well-prepared seedbed free of large lumps of soil.
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VESTALIN Active: Pendimethalin NAFDAC REG NO. A5-0185 (Nigeria) General Info: VESTALIN contains 500 g/L Pendimethalin Recommended for: VESTALIN can be applied to control most broad-leafed annual weeds and grasses in a number of crops including; groundnuts, rice, vegetables, cowpea, maize, sorghum, tobacco and cereals.
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VESTAMINE Active: 2,4-D NAFDAC REG NO. 04-7028 (Nigeria) General Info: VESTAMINE contains 720 g/l 2,4-D dimethyl amine. 2,4-D and 600 g/l equivalent/phenoxyl compound. Recommended for: VESTAMINE is a selective systemic as well as pre and post emergence herbicide, for the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds found in Maize, Rice, Sorghum, Wheat, Barley, Groundnut, Potatoes, Sugarcane, Oil Palms, Bananas, Plantain and some Aquatic weeds.
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VESTIRON Active: Diuron NAFDAC REG NO. A5-0204 (Nigeria) General Info: VESTIRON POWDER contains 800 g/kg Diuron Recommended for: VESTIRON POWDER is a systemic herbicide absorbed principally by the roots of the target weed. For selective weed control in pineapples, bush and tree fruits, bananas, sugar cane, cotton, cereals, maize sorghum, groundnuts, yams and non-crop areas.
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VESTRAZINE LIQUID Active: Atrazine NAFDAC REG NO. A5-0120 (Nigeria) General Info: VESTRAZINE LIQUID contains 500g/l Active ingredient Recommended for: VESTRAZINE LIQUID is a selective pre and early post emergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf Weeds in maize, Sorghum, yam, pineapple, millet and sugar cane.
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VESTRAZINE POWDER Active: Atrazine NAFDAC REG NO. 04-6729 (Nigeria) General Info: VESTRAZINE POWDER contains 800g/kg Atrazine powder. Recommended for: VESTRAZINE POWDER is a selective pre and early post emergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf Weeds in maize, Sorghum, yam, pineapple, millet and sugar cane.
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WEEDBURNER Active: Paraquat NAFDAC REG NO. Awaited General Info: WEEDBURNER contains 276g Paraquat Dichloride (200g Paraquat ion) per litre Recommended for: WEEDBURNER can be applied to control most broard-leaved annual weeds and grasses and is effective in the following crops; cowpea, maize, sorghum, wheat, cotton and fruits and in plantation crops such as cocoa, oil palm, rubber and sugarcane.
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WEEDCRUSHER Active: Paraquat NAFDAC REG NO. 04-7132 (Nigeria) General Info: WEEDCRUSHER contains 200gm Paraquat ion per litre Emulsifiable concentrate. Recommended for: WEEDCRUSHER controls most broad leaved annual weeds and grasses found in, fruits, vegetables, plantation crops and ornamentals.
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XTRAVEST Active: Atrazine + Metolachlor NAFDAC REG NO. A5-0142 (Nigeria) General Info: Xtravest contains 370 g/L Atrazine + 290 g/l Metolachlor Recommended for: XTRAVEST is used as a pre and early emergence herbicide for the control of certain annual grasses and broad-leaf weeds, suitable for use on cassava, maize, yam, sugarcane, sweet corn and sorghum.
For further information about this product, please contact us
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